It's been a little while since we heard any news on upcoming 'lawyer-em-up' Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies, but with the download exclusive's Autumn release nearly upon us developer Capcom has released a few more screens and a press release to keep us going.

Hmm, could this really be the culprit?
The new shots give us a look at some new and returning characters, as well as some hints as to the game's second case. Phoenix will be joined by his adoptive daughter (and magician) Trucy, while a new detective, the dapper looking Bobby Fulbright also joins the series. Unsurprisingly for an Ace Attorney game there's murder afoot, but the prime suspect is a little different in this case. It seems there's been sightings of a legendary demon, Tenma Taro, and all clues at the crime scene (including feathers and some suspicious looking footprints) point to the demon being responsible. Whether the real culprit is actually the supernatural beastie, a Scooby-doo style villain in a costume or something else entirely, the fun of the game as always will be the investigation. The story is sure to throw in more twists than a very twisty thing as you question witnesses, explore the environment and examine evidence in true Ace Attorney style, before presenting your findings in court.

If nothing else, he takes his job very seriously.
The newly released screens really show off the game's visuals nicely, with the 2D character artwork of previous games looking great with its new 3D makeover, while the backgrounds look as detailed as ever. Of course, there are gameplay additions in this latest instalment too, such as the emotion sensing 'Mood Matrix' function which we've looked at previously, so it won't feel too much like a re-tread of past games.
It's no secret that we're anxiously awaiting this new Ace Attorney title, and it should be yet another must-have in the 3DS's library. Perhaps being an eShop exclusive (the game will only be available to download, with no physical copy) might tempt new players to give the game a try, as (if there's any justice in the world) there's a chance the game may come with a more wallet-friendly price tag. Court will be in session once again when Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies is released this Autumn and you can check out all of our Dual Destinies screenshots below.