It should be a happy day - it's the day of your wedding to the beautiful pink-haired Princess Toki, but when a bunch of assassins gate-crash the ceremony, things take a turn for the worse. Lying mortally wounded in the middle of a church is definitely one way to put a downer on your perfect day, anyway - and to add to your problems, your dying minutes are spent trying to come to terms with the fact your wife-to-be has a rather large secret she's neglected to mention. Like schizophrenia to the extreme, she can actually transform into a whole other woman - the blonde Princess Towa - thanks to her bad case of 'Dual Souls', where two souls coexist in the same body. Fortunately for you, both of your fiancés are well versed in something known as 'Time Magic' - which lets her manipulate the flow of time to go back to the past and prevent your murder. And such is the plot for the upcoming Playstation 3 role-playing game Time and Eternity - which in case you couldn't guess, comes straight from Japan.

She also has a pet dragon called Drake who accompanies her everywhere.
Thankfully, her dual personalities aren't the only secret she's been keeping from you, as she's also pretty deadly in combat too, with Toki specialising in ranged attacks with a rifle and Towa preferring close combat with a pair of rather sharp knives, as well as their handy time-shifting powers. During your adventure, you'll do battle with all sorts of enemies, each of which respond better to different types of attack, so you'll need to strategically switch between Toki and Towa in battles - and with a limited number of items to induce the switch, you'll need to be doubly careful. That doesn't mean you'll be forever stuck as one character though, as each level you gain gives you the option to switch from Toki to Towa and vice-versa.
As Time and Eternity is a role-playing game, you'll be spending a lot of your time battling enemies on your journey - which means the all-important combat system is likely to be a burning question. Adopting a real-time battle system, you'll be in direct control of the princess's dual souls, attacking the enemy with timed button presses, rather than you and your enemy taking it in turns to attack, choosing from a list of possible actions.
There are also plans to extend your adventure through extra downloadable add-ons after release too - although again, the fact they've been announced before the game's even been released does leave something of a bad taste in the mouth, as it makes you wonder if bits have been chopped out purposefully so they can sell them later. Either way, Time and Eternity is looking to be an sizeable - and colourful - adventure to sink your teeth into this Summer, when it launches exclusively on the Playstation 3.