Once the almost exclusive property in Japan, it seems special Pokemon events and downloads are finally become a staple in the west too. Almost every few months recently, Nintendo have brought out a new, exclusive 'mon to add to our growing Pokedexes, either via special distribution events at shops or simply through the download of their (not-really-all-that) Mystery Gifts from the internet. In the past six months or so, we've had the cute little unicorn Keldeo, the experimental Genesect and the musical Meloetta - while next downloadable Pokemon those who own Black or White Version 2 will be able to get their paws on is an old favourite in the form of Deoxys, who's probably one of the creepiest looking robotic alien Pokemon going.
When he originally appeared in the Ruby and Sapphire games for the GameBoy Advance, Deoxys was a bit of a rarity. A purely psychic 'mon, his name stems from Deoxyribonucelic Acid - more commonly known as DNA - with is design taking inspiration from the famous double helix too, particularly in the arm department. Deoxys is unique in that he was one of the first Pokemon to come in different forms - kind of different "flavours" of Deoxys, each of which skewed his stats slightly - while the Normal form is your vanilla Deoxys, the Attack form boosted his attack and special attack to insane levels, whilst the Defense form turned him into a veritable tank. No prizes for guessing what his Speed form does then. Originally, the form he adopted depended on which game you had him on, but nowadays you can switch between the forms at will by heading to a special meteorite fragment hidden somewhere in each Pokemon region.

Apparently a product of a space virus and a laser beam.
As is often the case, as part of the download event, you'll be getting a special Deoxys that knows moves it wouldn't ordinarily learn - Dexoxys' signature Psycho Boost that deals massive damage, another damage-dealing move called Dark Pulse which has a chance of making your target flinch and miss their turn, Nasty Plot, which boosts your special attack, and the ability to heal itself with Recover. Another turn up for the books is that the Deoxys you download arrives at level 100, the maximum for any Pokemon, which means along with being ludicrously powerful, he'll also disobey any trainers with less than the full compliment of Gym Badges - so beware.
It's worth noting that this Mystery Gift is only available to those who own Pokemon Black and White Version 2 - meaning you won't be able to download it if you only own the original Black and White (we tried). With the previous Meloetta giveaway compatible with both versions of the game a mere few months ago, we're not entirely sure why they've decided to limit this one to just the Version 2 games - we originally thought that perhaps the reason you couldn't get him on the older games was because the Nacrene Museum didn't have a meteorite display, but seemingly it does. In fact, the original announcement of the Deoxys download stated he'd be available for both sets of games - so it's a particularly peculiar change of heart now.
So how do we go about nabbing ourselves a Deoxy, we hear you cry? Here's how: simply boot up your copy of Pokemon Black or White Version 2, and scroll down to the 'Mystery Gift' option on the main menu (the one that lets you load your saved game). Then choose 'Receive Gift', click 'Yes' to open "communication channels", and pick 'Get Via Nintendo WFC', telling your console that yes, it's ok to connect to Wi-Fi. After a few moments, you should see 'It's Deoxys!' pop up on the top screen - press the A button, then choose 'Yes' to receive your free Deoxys, and he should start downloading. After that, you simply need to load up your save and head to the nearest Pokemon centre to have a chin wag with the man there, at which point he'll hand over your new 'mon - assuming you have a free slot in your party, anyway.
So if you fancy getting your hands on a level 100 pokemon, you should fire up your game now - Deoxys is only available for a limited time, with the downloads being curtailed at the end of May. With these events now starting to happen on a slightly more regular basis, there's every chance we may see another one before the next iteration of Pokemon is upon us this October - so we'll be keeping our fingers crossed for something a bit cuter. All while trying to decide if we should pick Chespin or Fennekin as our starter for Pokemon X and Y, and pondering the potential MewThree.