Kind of scary looking, until you notice the scrunchy...
A bit back, Nintendo announced they would be offering a series of downloads of the Legendary Trio of Johto, three legendary dogs that were responsible for various things that happened to Ecruteak City's Brass Tower, as it burned to the ground. These Pokemon aren't just any old Pokemon though, and are known as 'shiny' versions, which means they are a different colour to usual, and once transferred over to your copy of the upcoming Pokemon Black/White (out at the beginning of March), will enable you to catch the elusive Pokemon Zorua and Zoruak. This week is your final week of downloadable Pokemon, and as we've already had Raikou and Entei, Nintendo have saved the best for last, in the form of...

Suicune is a watery beast with a bit of a peculiar shaped forehead, with some rather long blue (or purple in the non-shiny variety) locks. He's the good guy of the trio, and is responsible for the rain that put out the fire that the other two, irresponsible Pokemon caused.
As with all the other mystery gift Pokemon, Suicune comes in a Cherish Ball, a special Pokeball that shows where you got him. And, as with the rest of the trio, Suicune arrives at level 30, and features moves they can't usually learn. Sheer Cold shoots a blast of absolute-zero cold air, and if it hits, your foe will instantly faint; Air Slash slices your foe with a blade of air, causing them to flinch; ExtremeSpeed has you charging at your opponent at such a speed that you'll always go first; and Aqua Ring sees Suicune wrapping himself in a veil of water that will restore some of his health.
To get your brand-soaking new, shiny Suicune, all you'll need to do is launch your DS Pokemon game (Pokemon Heart Gold, Soul Silver, Platinum, Diamond and Pearl will all work) and on the start menu, scroll down to select 'Mystery Gift', then 'Receive Gift' and finally 'Get Via Nintendo WFC'. You might need to do a touch of setting up though, if you've never accessed the Nintendo WFC before - luckily, Nintendo have a nifty guide explaining how. Once you've received the mystery gift, pop to the nearest PokeMart in the game, and have a chat with the man in the green suit and hat, who'll hand over your new Pokemon - assuming you have a spare slot in your party, anyway.
And so ends the Legendary Trio of Johto give away. But that doesn't mean the Pokemon-related information will stop - we're sure to get more information on future downloads, events and information on the new game, Pokemon Black/White - so make sure you keep checking back!