Getting a tattoo is always a risky business. Being a bit of a needlephobe (if you can count breaking down into a cold sweat and trembling as "a bit"), it's not something we've ever even considered, but from all we understand, it can be a bit of a gamble. For starters, you never know how it's going to turn out until it's finished - and you can never be totally sure that you won't change your mind and regret whatever you've had tattooed onto yourself. And that's if you have a professional do it. Add alcohol into the mix, and a temporarily inflated sense of artistic ability, and you have a recipe for disaster.
And disaster is exactly what befell the friend of a reddit user recently, when he decided to tattoo a Charmander onto himself in an apparently drunken stupor. You know, the famous fire Pokémon, with the flaming tail. The one that's orange? This is how his attempt turned out:

Charmander on the right, Charredmander on the left
So if you've ever wondered what happened if Charmander used a bit too much hairspray, now you know.
Baring an uncanny resemblance to Charmander from the Tim Burton does Pokémon series (credit), the internet has taken to the new creation with characteristic enthusiasm, dubbing it "shartmander" and turning it into a series of memes like a modern day Sanic. Here's a few of the best from the new shartmander subreddit: