A few days ago, a new trailer was shown for Pokemon Black and White, the latest games in the monster catching franchise. The trailer, as well as unveiling a few new Pokémon, also showed some kind of internet connectivity - but unfortunately, we have no idea what it meant, as it was all in Japanese - so let the speculation begin!
Along with the Pokémon that were leaked a few weeks back in Japanese magazine Corocoro, the video shows a few more new monsters, most of which still look ridiculous, to put it politely. These include what appears to be a living coffin, a mole creature, and the bad guy from Ghostbusters.

That's the crazy coffin thing on the bottom left, with the mental mole on the top centre. We're not really sure what the other two Pokémon are - some sort of spider, maybe?
But, thankfully, they're not all terrible. The otter/beaver starter Pokémon has started to grow on me, even if he does look as though he always needs a hug, and the stunned Zebra beast looks awesome too.

The previously unveiled Pokémon, including the two legendary 'mons for Pokémon Black (on the left) and Pokémon White (on the right). That flaming eyebrowed monkey thing is brilliant - its like Dr. Robotnik, in Pokémon form.
The trailer also showed off the new "more intense" battle system, with animated characters and a redesigned menu seemingly missing the "Bag" command, but with a new button marked "Shoot". We're going to guess that it's not shoot in the "bang bang, you're dead" sense, but rather, in a photography way, but we have a feeling we're going to have to wait a while to find out the truth either way.
The trailer also revealed that Pokémon Black and White will feature the ability to upload your save file to the internet - a first for Pokémon games, and DS games in general, as far as we're aware. We're not sure if this is simply for backup purposes, or if the game will feature some sort of PC based online mode - the only thing we do know about the online side of the new games is that they allow for random battles online, so you don't need to exchange friend codes with another person before you battle, you can finally matchmake and battle complete strangers.
The trailer ended with a Japanese release date of 18/9/2010, so expect a UK release to be at some point in the first few months of next year. We'll have more information when we get it.