Hot on the heels of Friday's announcement of Pokemon Black and White, the first official details are starting to trickle out of Japan - including the first screenshots, courtesy of

The Pokemon centre's been given a revamp, and now seems to come with a built-in Pokemart.
Although, in all honesty, it doesn't look all that different than before, the one main difference between these new screenshots, and the recently released Heart Gold/Soul Silver is the new perspective - more 3D than the almost-top-down viewpoint before, we wonder if this has anything to do with Nintendo's newly announced Nintendo 3DS. If the new perspective makes creating a 3D effect more believable, is there a chance the game will have some sort of 3DS compatibility? It's pretty much the only launch title we can think of that a) may work, and b) would have people clamouring to shell out on a brand new console, so there may be more to these screenshots than you think.
Other details from the magazine reveal the game will be going for a more serious art style than before, with towering skyscrapers dominating the landscape, and "more intense" battles.

A picture of intensity
What that really means is anybody's guess - but there's not that long left to wait, as the game will be officially unveiled on Thursday, along with, we presume, the first official, non-blurry screenshots, and a whole host of new details.
Make sure you check back on Thursday, as we'll be bringing you the latest details as soon as we get them.