The latest phrase to come out of Microsoft's random deal theme generator is "Spring Fling", which attempts in vain to offer some semblance of a link between the games in this week's Xbox Live Deal of (6/7ths of) the week. It's about as rigorous a theme as usual though, with most of the stuff on offer having a negligible-at-best connection to the warmer months - we follow Plants vs. Zombies, but the other things seem to have just been 'flung' together at random. Ohhhh. We see what you did there. Not complaining though - cheap stuff is always good.

Was: 800 Microsoft Points (about £6.80)
Now: 400 Microsoft Points (about £3.40)
Peggle is the very definition of addictive. It's premise is simple - you aim, and fire balls out of a cannon at the top of the screen, and watch as your ball plunges through the level, taking out pegs on the way down the screen. All you need to do is to eliminate all the orange pegs to complete each level - which is much, much easier said than done. If you want even more Peggle for your money, you could also pick up the Peggle Nights add-on, which is also on offer this week, for the low, low price of 200 Microsoft Points, which is about £1.70 (was 400 Microsoft Points, about £3.40).

Plants vs. Zombies
Was: 1200 Microsoft Points (about £10.20)
Now: 800 Microsoft Points (about £6.80)
Another PopCap classic, Plants vs. Zombies has you defending your house from a zombie attack - using plants. But these aren't just any plants - these green guardians have a few tricks up their leaves. Pea-Shooters fire peas at the on-coming undead, Cherry Bombs explode and take out groups, while Wal-Nuts don't mind having a zombie chewing on their head - making them the ultimate distraction for the hungry hoards.

Was: 800 Microsoft Points (about £6.80)
Now: 400 Microsoft Points (about £3.40)
Don't you just hate it when you go to the park to meet someone, and the whole park's simply upped and moved overnight? Unfortunately for them, ilo and milo have the exact same problem, and need your help - using your puzzle solving skills, you'll need to navigate the friends to each other through a variety of mind boggling, gravity defying mazes, so they can share a cup of tea.

3D Ultra Mini-Golf Adventures 2
Was: 800 Microsoft Points (about £6.80)
Now: 400 Microsoft Points (about £3.40)
Fancy a game of golf in the Antarctic, a pot around a haunted house, or maybe even a swing or two at the museum? With fifty-four crazy holes set in several different locations, 3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures 2 has enough to keep you going for a fair(way) while. With full local and online multiplayer support letting up to four people battle it out for golfing supremacy across the crazy power-up littered the courses, this is great value for money.

Your Shape: Fitness Evolved Toned Body & Bollywood Add-Ons
Was: 320 & 400 Microsoft Points respectively (about £2.72 and £3.40)
Now: 160 & 200 Microsoft Points respectively (about £1.36 and £1.70)
Perfect for working off your post-Easter chocolate-scoffing pounds, you can now download two add-ons for half the price they were before! The Toned Body add-on does exactly what it says on the tin, and the Bollywood workout helps you dance away the pounds.

Avatar Monkey Prop, Bunny Outfit and Egg Hunt
Was: 240, 240 & 160 Microsoft Points respectively (about £2.04, £2.04 and £1.36)
Now: 120, 120 & 80 Microsoft Points respectively (about £1.02, £1.02 and £0.68)
Not sure what monkies have to do with Easter/Spring, but now you can get a pet one for your avatar for half the usual price. Or, if you'd prefer, you could dress your avatar up in the sort of bunny suit we'd imagine a serial killer would wear, and go on a hunt for virtual eggs. Whatever floats your boat.
Plenty of stuff to choose from, we're sure you'll agree - but it doesn't stop there. Not wanting to be left out, Sega are discounting pretty much every game they've ever brought to the Xbox Live Arcade - not just those featuring everyone's favourite speedy blue hedgehog. Although - Sega, why you no discount the Sonic Adventure DX add-on?
Here's the full list:
Streets of Rage 2, Ecco the Dolphin, Phantasy Star II, Gunstar Heroes, Altered Beast, Comix Zone, Golden Axe, Shinobi, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Were: 400 Microsoft Points each (about £3.40)
Now: 240 Microsoft Points each (about £2.04)
Happy Tree Friends: False Alarm, Crazy Taxi, After Burner Climax, OutRun Online Arcade, Sonic Adventure
Was: 800 Microsoft Points each (about £6.80)
Now: 400 Microsoft Points each (about £3.40)
CyberTroopers: Virtual On, Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1
Was: 1200 Microsoft Points each (about £10.20)
Now: 800 Microsoft Points each (about £6.80)
Microsoft's Deal of the Week is only for Xbox Live Gold subscribers - Silver members will not be able to take advantage of the discounted prices. Approximate value of Microsoft points in pounds is based on buying the points direct from Microsoft through the Xbox dashboard - equivalent price in pounds will vary depending on where you bought your points.