Pokemon Black & White video chat confirmed

As well as new pokemon

Pokemon Black & White video chat confirmed
21st August, 2010 By Ian Morris

Just over a fortnight ago, we wrote about a rumour that the new Pokemon game, Pokemon Black & White was set to have video chat - a rumour which has now been confirmed, thanks to Japan's crazy Pokemon Sunday program.

Smurf clowns and robots - everyday attire in Japan.

The picture above basically serves as confirmation that DSi (and presumably 3DS) owners will have access to a video chat. Supporting four video-chatters locally (which seems rather pointless), or two over Wi-Fi, the new mode will enable people to see the face behind the Pokemon trainer they're battling against. Although, presumably, you'd imagine this feature will be limited to people you know in real life, to protect both children, and adults from some of the less sane members of society.

And so that those of you who don't own a DSi aren't dissapointed, here's the newest batch of pokemon, lifted from the Japanese comic CoroCoro:

A pink deer whose coat changes colour with the seasons, a chuffing happy mole, a confused looking fish, a Count Dracula caterpillar and a hypno-beaver thing.

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