Although you may not like to think it, if you're one of the people who played it the first time round, it's been ten years since the original Pokemon Gold and Silver versions were released - and to celebrate this momentous occasion, Nintendo are giving away the mega rare (and super cute) psychic pokemon, Mew, for owners of Heart Gold and Soul Silver games. You'll need to be quick though - the download ends on the 30th October.
All you need to do is launch Pokemon Heart Gold or Soul Silver, and on the start screen, scroll down to 'Mystery Gift', then pick 'Receive Gift' and finally 'Get Via Nintendo WFC'. To access the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection, you need to have set it up - but luckily, Nintendo's official website has a handy guide to explain how. Once you've received the mystery gift, pop to the nearest PokeMart in the game, and have a chat with the man in the green suit and hat, who'll be more than happy to hand over your Mew.

Mew can now have one of these in your game.
The Mew you receive is only a baby - he's on level 5, and knows only one attack, Pound, so you can raise him however you see fit. Because, according to Pokemon lore, Mew is said to possess the DNA of all pokemon, he can learn every move in the game, which comes in handy. Cute and useful. It's not every day you get a Pokemon like that, is it Magikarp. And because he's a special 10th anniversary Mew, from the mystery gift promotion, he comes in a special pokeball - the Cherish Ball - and has a Premier Ribbon attached. Sadly though, you can't name him, so my dreams of having a Mew called Derek were scuppered.
If you haven't yet dipped your toes into the Gold and Silver waters of Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver, you can read our review of Pokemon Soul Silver here. Stay tuned for more Pokemon-related info, especially regarding the upcoming Pokemon Black and White game.