If you're only a casual Skylanders observer, one thing you may not be aware of is that every year, there are actually two, entirely different Skylanders games released - one on the home consoles, and one on the 3DS. Often overlooked in the marketing - but not by the fans - these handheld takes on the "toys-to-life" game are a lot of fun, delivering the same platforming action, only with a different set of levels, a different plot, and often, a few different features.
The recently revealed Skylanders SuperChargers (to get up to speed on the latest game, check out our handy guide), however, seems to be taking things to the next level - as rather than being a smaller game along the same lines, the 3DS - and, interestingly, Wii versions - will instead be offering something entirely different.

Neeeyowwmmm. We should note, this is a screen from the home console versions.
All we have to go on at the moment is a boxart, but it's a boxart that reveals a rather different name for the game - Skylander SuperChargers Racing - and, with the graphic showing a finishing line and a load of cars racing, seems to suggest that things will work a little bit differently, ditching the familiar platforming for a more Mario Kart style karting approach. It's a change that would make perfect sense - after all, now that they've added vehicles to the game, surely it was only a matter of time before there was a kart racing spin-off - but it's perhaps unusual that it's only on the 3DS and Wii. Released next spring, as a kind of stop-gap between SuperChargers and the next Skylanders game, a kart racing Skylander-'em-up would have huge potential on the home consoles, too. Instead, this can probably best be viewed as "testing the water" on the 3DS and Wii.
While we have nothing in the way of screens or trailers - and even less in the way of firm details - a lot can be gleaned from a boxart. With Activision having promised that the 3DS and Wii versions would be a "complimentary" experience this year, rather than a different take on the same style of game, we had a hunch this was coming - and seemingly, our hunch was right! We'll bring you more as soon as we get it - but for more Skylanders goodness, why not check out our powerful figure database, the Skylander Finder - and stay tuned today for much more Skylander news.