Disney's Think Fast is a trivia game that's obviously been aimed at families. Presenting you with multiple choice questions about all things Disney, it's up to you to simply guess the correct answer the fastest - and with four players gathered around the TV, it can be a riot.
The game starts out very simply, asking you to choose a themed land to play in, before you take on a number of rounds. Thankfully, you can set the length of your game before you start playing, so even if you've only got a few minutes free, you can get your synapses firing.

The genie acts as the host, providing the "hilarious" links between segments.
There's a pretty wide range of Disney related trivia here, so at least a basic knowledge of the Disney films is required. From Aladdin to Toy Story, taking in the slightly more obscure films, such as Robin Hood, and Basil the Great Mouse Detective, there's a real variety to the source material - and with over 5,000 questions included, there's pretty much guaranteed to plenty you can answer - along with a few you can't.
But while there's a huge amount of questions featured, the difficulty level does seem rather hit and miss. While for a lot of the questions, even if you don't know the answer, you can have a pretty good guess, every now and then the game will throw out a real stinker that only the most hardcore Disney nut would know.
Annoyingly, the questions don't seem to be adjusted relevant to the players age, either. While we presume that the reason for this omission is because all four players get asked the same question, at the same time - so if you were playing as an adult and child combination, things would get a bit confusing - it does all too often lead to questions such as "Which one of these is a cat?", leading to a frantic scrabble to press the right direction.

While a lot of the questions do require some knowledge of the Disney films, there are plenty that don't - and many, like this, that are guessable even if you haven't seen the film in question. (Clue: He's the one that looks like a bad guy)
Still, for a group of children playing together, at least there's some variety outside of the standard Disney related questions. And while every question ties into a film in some way, not all of them are directly related to the films or characters, meaning little ones who aren't quite as knowledgeable in the history of the films will at least stand a chance.
While most rounds ask you questions, there are a few other round types that help to keep things interesting - from the "Spot the difference" round, where you have to spot which of the four pictures contains a subtle difference (it can be harder than it sounds), to a "guess who the invisible artist's drawing" competition that channels the spirit of Rolf Harris, there's plenty of variety to the questions - and importantly, a fair amount that doesn't specifically require an intricate knowledge of the films.
As you play the game, you'll earn points, which either depend on how quickly you answer, or if you've got the question right. This can lead to some pretty tense situations as you near the final rounds with only a few hundred points between all the players - something the game has tried to capitalise on, although possibly in the wrong way.

There are a few rounds that put you on your own. In this one, you've got to answer as many questions as you can before the clock runs out.
When you get into the final rounds, whoever answers first will not only win points, but will get the chance to take points off one of the other players. And while that may be fine amongst the adults (at least, we'd hope it would be), amongst a group of children, we have a feeling it may lead to some arguments amongst all but the most angelic. "He stole my points!" is a line we expect to hear being banded around many a game of Think Fast in the closing moments.
But overall, despite its flaws, Disney Think Fast is still an entertaining, family friendly trivia game that seems to tick a lot of the right boxes. The Disney bent ensures it's family friendly, while the game does a good job of ensuring people with a less-then-stellar knowledge of Disney films can enjoy themselves too.
As the game can now be found for less than £15 in the shops, it'd almost be wrong not to give it a go. Just make sure everyone can deal with a few hurt feelings in the final rounds.
Format Reviewed: Nintendo Wii