Online retailer Amazon have announced that Nintendo's new 3DS console has beaten all previous pre-orders they've had for consoles - in fact, the number of pre-ordered 3DS' is double that of the Wii in 2006. Rumours suggest that around 185,000 units are available for the UK launch this Friday - a significant percentage of which have already been pre-ordered.
When the console launched in Japan last month, a whopping 400,000 consoles sold in the first two days. If that repeats itself over here, then we may well end up facing shortages of Nintendo's latest device, in a similar way to the Wii when it launched.

Hopefully the Mii Plaza's big enough for 400,000 Miis...
If you're worried about getting your hands on a 3DS, you might want to consider attending one of the many midnight openings and launch events this Friday. And don't forget to keep checking back for all things 3DS-related, as we'll have reviews of the launch games and much more information on the console coming soon.